From Varda Fair Varda,
Glittering Down Like a Jewel,
from High Heavens Glory!
with Distance from Afar Gazed,
from Tree-Woven Middle-Earth.
Varda to Thee I Will Sing,
On this Side of the Sea, Here
On this Side of the Great Sea.
A Elbereth Gilthoniel,
silivren penna mìriel
o menel aglar elenath!
Na-chaered palan-dìriel
o galadhremmin ennorath
Fanuilos, le linnathon
nef aear, sí nef aearon!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Posted by Zorana at 6:10 AM 0 comments
Berenova pesma Lutijeni
Farewell sweet earth and northern sky,
for ever blest, since here did lie
and here with lissom limbs did run
beneath the Moon, beneath the Sun,
Lúthien Tinúviel more fair than mortal tongue can tell.
Though all to ruin fell the world
and were dissolved and backward hurled
unmade into the old abyss,
yet were its making good,
for this the dusk, the dawn,
the earth, the sea
that Lúthien for a time should be.
Kvenija Man Tasinyë né
Namárië lissë kemen ar formenwa menel, an voro laitanë, an sinome né caita ar sinome hroanen tyelca né nornoroa undu Isil, undu Anar, Lúthien Tindómerel yanta vanima i fírima lambë voro nyarë. Nan ilya an atalantë lantanë Ambar ar né úcarna ar nanehortanë úcarna undumënna enwina, né cáralarya mára, i histen, i ara, i kemen, i Eär i Lúthien lúlin núva.
Posted by Zorana at 5:51 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Semova pesma
In western lands beneath the Sun
the flowers may rise in Spring,
the trees may bud, the waters run,
the merry finches sing.
Or there maybe 'tis cloudless night
and swaying beeches bear
the Elven-stars as jewels white
amid their branching hair.
Though here at journey's end I lie
in darkness buried deep,
beyond all towers strong and high,
beyond all mountains steep,
above all shadows rides the Sun
and Stars forever dwell:
I will not say the Day is done,
nor bid the Stars farewell.
Tuilesse númes Anar nu
quít': ortar lotsi sí,
intyanye nén yand' acelu,
alinda lindoli.
Var colir lós ú fanyaron
cé ferni cúnane
olvassen éli Eldaron
ve míri lossie.
Caitanye mettas lendeva
nurtaina mornies,
mal támen ily' or mindon ná,
or ily' ór Meneles,
en! Anar ily' or lumbule,
ar Éli oiale.
Úvanye quet': "Ar tyélie",
élin: "Namárie".
Posted by Zorana at 3:17 AM 0 comments
Par reci za pocetak
Ovaj Blog sam otovrila iz vise razloga. Verovatno je najbitniji onaj da sam ja apsolutni zaludjenik Tolkinom i njegovim jezicima. Tokom prethodnih nekoliko godina skupila sam dosta prevoda Tolkinovih pesama na Kveniju i Sindarin i jednostavno bilo mi je potrebno mesto da ih negde sve postavim. :D
Posted by Zorana at 2:57 AM 0 comments